Hey everyone. This is Hiya to all my friends at StIvErS hIgH sChOoL!!! X- pEcIaLlY bEth, nIcK, aNd LiZ.
N E who, U may be thinking 2 U'rself, "GeE tHiS gUrL iZ a LiTtLe CrAzY," and you know what though? Because this belongs to the aLiEn. That's my name. U can ask my friends.
My name is and always will be aLiEn!
Ha. So there. My name is aLiEn because I love aLiEnS. They R so cool. I come from the planet MaRcOpLaX. That's in the MbEtA 32 AnDrOmEdA gAlExY.
Cool huh? There will be more to this whole page. Like pictures of me when I had green hair maybe. Hmm... or are those ready for the world? We'll see.
(crack kills) U R RIGHT! Wow. Darn I'm good. N E who,
I LUV alternative music. It is like the best. I need 2 wurk on this page a ton, but don't blow it off already. It's in the wurx.
click here to buy AWSOME hippie jewerly. For REAL cheap. This is one of my Fav. pages!
Weird Pics!
57' Chevys are the coolest!!!
Tomb Raider
Who says girls don't know how to have fun?
Aliens Unlimited!!!
My Cow Page!
My lyrics Page!!
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